Friday, 19 June 2009

10 Reasons We Like Worcester.

(In no particular order.)

1. Worcestershire Sauce.
2. It has a cathedral.
3. It also has a river. With swans.
3.b. 'Stinky the Lone Swan' that begs for bread out front of our deck.
4. The 'Cardinals Hat' pub, built in the 15th century. Someone thought maybe 1490?
5. Walking to High Street. (which is the town centre.)
6. The cathedral bells.
(We kept hearing the bells ring sporadically through the day for up to half an hour. Apparently, people can tour around the country and ring the bells in different cities.)
7. Getting kicked off the tennis courts at a 'public' school....
(What they call 'public' over here really means 'private'. Which explains why the courts were so nice. What we know as 'public' they call 'state' schools. )
8. The feeling of being in the 'middle of the middle'.
(Sort of the same feeling as Iowa, but British. Perhaps that's why they call it the Midlands?)
9. Watching long boats navigate the locks on the canal.
10. Realizing that mainland Europe is less than a two hour flight away....

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